Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wow! 3 weeks smoke free with Chantix!

Today is day 22 for me to be smoke free. I have had some fairly strong cravings the last couple of days, but they were manageable. I can't imagine how bad they'd be if I wasn't using the Chantix. My head is all stopped up today, but that may be in part due to all the pollen in the air. It's raining pretty good today, so maybe it will settle down.

The worst thing going on right now is my insomnia. I'm talking 3 or 4 AM getting to sleep, and that's with prescription sleep aids. It's crazy. I am just wide awake at night for some reason. I'm not having any trouble functioning during the day, so I guess it's OK. I have the double whammy of menopausal insomnia and nicotine free insomnia. I have read that giving up nicotine can give you insomnia. Ugh.

I guess if insomnia is the worst thing right now, I can deal with that. I know it will go away. I went through a phase a couple of years ago when I would wake up at 3 or 4 AM and be wide awake. That passed, so this will pass, I'm sure.

I went to the mall on Monday with a friend. There is an indoor mall in Mobile, and it was so fun to just kick around with a girlfriend at the mall. She got a smoky eye mini makeover, and I bought some headphones and hip Vera Wang Princess roller ball perfume. We felt like teenagers again!

Tomorrow, I get to take my Mom to the accountant's office to drop off tax return papers. I'm taking our papers, too. I'm praying it won't be too stressful, but my Mom just hates paying taxes.! Lucky me, I get to hear about it. Oh well, at least I'm prepared.

Y'all take care and stay put with your quit. However you are doing it, stick with it. You are doing the ultimate good thing for yourself and loved ones.

Chantix blog, Chantix review, Quit smoking blog

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Blog Day 19! Nicotine free using Chantix. Still not smoking!

Today is my 19th day of being smoke free. I am feeling better than I have in years. It really is nice to be smoke free. I hated having that panicked feeling looking for a place to light up. It is an addiction, and I would look for my next fix. I'm glad I'm not an addict anymore, and I won't ever be one again. I feel too good, frankly.

I still have cravings, but they are usually very weak and easily powered through. The Chantix is helping with those, I imagine. I especially like how it is nicotine free. I tried patches and gum, but I made a half hearted effort with those and they didn't work for me. I was resolved on my quit date and my quit. I was done, over it, and wanting to be healthier. So far so good.

I put a favorite link up to the caveman diet. I don't follow that diet, but found it interesting reading. I thought you might, too. The other link I included about calories is to a site called myfitnesspal. You can record everything you eat (they have an extensive database), and you'll know exactly how many calories you are eating. When I didn't see the scale moving, I wanted to know why, so I found that site. I have my profile there set to private, but you can go public and join in the community there. You will probably be surprised by the calories you consume in a day. I know I was...I was actually appalled! :)

Anyway, everything is all good with the Chantix. No side effects or weird moods or thoughts. Doing great with my quit, and I hope everyone else is, too.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Made it 2 weeks not smoking! Instead of smoking, I could have...

Whew! I made it 2 weeks, and actually today is day 16 of not smoking. I am very proud of myself for having done this, because I know it's not healthy and it made me give up some much time. I was such a slave to the cigarettes, I guess I didn't realize how big a time stealer they are.

Instead of smoking, I could have gotten more work done.

Instead of smoking, I could have unloaded the dishwasher.
Instead of smoking, I could have made the bed.
Instead of smoking, I could have watered the plants.
Instead of smoking, I could have taken care of laundry.
Instead of smoking, I could have swiffered the floors.
Instead of smoking, I could have vacuumed.
Instead of smoking, I could have swept the front porch.
Most importantly, instead of smoking, I could have been kissing my husband.

Maybe now, I can get more things done.
Maybe now, I can laugh without coughing.
Maybe now, I can keep the house cleaner.
Maybe now, I can spend more time with my Mom.
Maybe now, time with my Mom will be less stressful, because I won't have to de-smoke.
Maybe now, I won't have to wash my jackets every time I wear them to get the smoke smell out.
Maybe now, I will have more money to save or spend on beautiful things like fresh flowers.
Maybe now, I won't get out of breath with small exertions.
Maybe now, I won't be as shaky when trying to do delicate tasks.

Maybe now, I will be fit and fabulous at 50!
I want to be a Babe for myself and my husband.
I want to go places and tour places, and not have to worry about finding a place to smoke.
I hated that panicked feeling of trying to find a place to smoke.
I want to walk through the Atlanta airport, and not have to search out one of those absolutely awful gross smoking rooms.

Just some random thoughts that have passed through my mind, and there are more, but right now, that's enough on my plate and yours. Don't misunderstand, I have been cleaning the house. I don't live in a pigsty. I did all those things, but I did them "around" smoking, or between smoking. I've already seen a difference in the shaking. I could polish my fingernails, specifically my right hand without my left hand shaking. That was an amazing thing for me. It's the little things that make our lives better, and by not smoking, I am starting to realize how precious those little things are.

Count those little things up if you've quit smoking or plan on quitting. You will probably be amazed and delighted!

Chantix blog, Chantix review, Quit smoking non smoker

Monday, March 21, 2011

Unlucky 13? NOT! Still not smoking. Chantix is working.

I had a fairly uneventful weekend, and made it through without smoking. I've been munching on some crockpot corned beef and cabbage I made for St. Patrick's Day. My cig cravings have all but disappeared. When I do have one, it is mild, and I just take some deep breaths to relieve it. The only thing that really makes me want a cigarette now is being around my Mom. She can stress me out sometimes. She's 80 years old and is very set in her ways. She can be negative and critical...imagine that! I hope I am not like that when I am her age.

I am so glad I'm using Chantix, because I can't imagine how the cravings would be without it. I essentially quit cold turkey using it to change the nicotine receptors in my brain. I tried the patch and the gum before, but I don't think I was firmly resolved to quit. I know they work for some people, and that's wonderful. For me, I was still getting nicotine with them, so I didn't feel as bad when I would slip up and have a cigarette...still nicotine, right?

I've been having very vivid dreams, but nothing scary. I am still exercising with my Wii. In fact, I bought that game, Walk It Out. It's just walking in place, but it's also a game. I can burn lots of calories fast with it, and it's fun! The only problem is after doing it for a while, my knee starts hurting. I'm getting old. :(

Hope everyone has a fabulous non smoking week, but if you're still smoking, I hope my blog can help you make the firm decision to quit.

Chantix blog Chantix review Quit smoking non smoker

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 9 of not smoking was great!

Today was a great day! Very few cravings, and the ones I did have were negligible. Cravings yesterday were almost non-existent as well. I am very pleased with how easy my quit is. Those first 3 days were pretty rough, I'll admit, but now I really feel I'm over the hump. I do realize I can't take the ease for granted and have to stay resolved.

I've had very vivid dreams the last couple of nights, and one featured a terrifying tornado. That dream probably came from seeing the recent tornado damage in Louisiana on the news, so it's fairly easily explained. It was pretty terrifying, but somehow my mind turned it into a positive. I tend to turn negatives into positives in real life, too.

I ended up at this beautiful and huge old public building with my husband. It was an old South kind of building with a porch across the front, large pillars, and long New Orleans type windows. I guess it was kind of like a mega giant Cracker barrel, but in white and surrounded by oak trees and azaleas. They had a lovely buffet inside. Too bad it was all a dream, but I do have the very vivid memory of it, so that's good. There I go again...turning lemons into lemonade.

I have another follower, so I'm hoping my little blog here is helping people. Thanks for the follows and the sweet comments. I hope everyone had a fun St. Patrick's Day, and I'll update again soon.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

One week or 7 days of no smoking!

I am so happy I've made it to the one week mark and not caved even once. Today, my cravings were very minimal, and I had no problem working through them. I did not feel speedy today like I did yesterday. I felt perfectly normal. I did have a bit of a health scare today, though.

I went to the drug store today, and while I was there, I decided to check my blood pressure at the machine they have. My blood pressure was normal but on the low side. My heart rate, however, was definitely low at 56. I called the doctor almost immediately, and went this afternoon.

I told him it was day 7 for me for not smoking, and he grinned, said he was proud of me, and mentioned he never thought he'd see this day. I agreed. Anyway, he said my heart rate is low because of exercise and quitting smoking. Keeping tight control on my blood sugar is helping, also. Apparently, my heart doesn't have to work as hard to pump my blood, so my resting heart rate is lower as is my blood pressure. He assured me it wasn't any of my meds or the Chantix. I asked about Chantix in particular, so I was relieved that I could still take it. He said all the positive things I'm doing are really helping my body and said my lungs sounded fine. So my health scare was a false alarm. Yay!

On a negative note at the doctor's office, I told him I'd had to slow down on my exercising because my knee is a bit swollen and hurting. He had the nerve to say I'm getting old. HMPF!

Thanks to all who have read my little chronicle here. I'll keep updating. Also, I am so happy to have a follower now. So cool. I hope I can inspire someone else to quit smoking or continue their quit.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 6 and still not smoking!

Today is day six of my quit, and I'm still holding fast. I am having no ill effects from the Chantix, and my cravings are much much less intense and frequent today. It's really weird today, though, because I feel like I'm on speed or something. I feel like I have had half a dozen cups of coffee. My blood sugar is normal and so is my heart rate, so I don't know what's up with that. I'm just rolling with it at this point.

Anyway, I bought some new exercise programs for my Wii. I really needed something new to mix things up a bit and make it more interesting. Also, as I have been working out, I need new challenges. It's all good, and I'm so excited to be starting a new improved lifestyle. I'm sure I'll be healthier and happier with myself.

Chantix is working for me, so if you want to quit and have a quit date in mind, see your doctor and at least ask about this product. You may not be able to take it, but your doctor might have some other alternatives to suggest. It's definitely worth checking into, but you have to make your mind up to quit, and you have to be absolutely firm about it. It's all up to you, and I'm just blogging my own personal experience in the hopes it can help you make a decision to creating a new and improved you.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Today is day 4 of my life smoke free!

Today marks day 4 being smoke free, and it has been fairly easy. I have wondered how bad it would be without the Chantix, and I think it is helping with the cravings. I find myself taking deep breaths when I have cravings. That really helps. I am also cleaning, redecorating and eating to deal with cravings. I am having no bad side effects from Chantix.

I do seem to have the munchies pretty bad, but I'm still exercising using the Wii and walking a lot. I also bought some patio furniture so I got some exercise moving it onto the back porch. My back is hurting a bit, but I didn't tell my Mom, because I'd get a big fat "I told you so." :)_  I now have a living room on my screened porch. It's just fabulous to sit out there and read the paper in the morning.

I am getting my daily phone calls from Chantix. You can opt out of that, but I am doing everything the program offers and more. It's an automated call, and they ask if you've smoked. I have always answered no and get a thankyou. I guess if I answered in the affirmative, I'd get transferred to a counselor. I haven't called their counselor/coach line, but it's nice to know there is a number I can call to talk to a real person if need be.

I joined, and it's so great to be able to vent and read the vents of other people. The folks are very nice there.

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope my experience is helping you to quit or stay quit. I'll keep you posted as my quit continues.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 2 of being a non smoker using Chantix

I think today has been more difficult than yesterday. That's weird, right? Oh well, I tried to stay busy, and I did venture out in the car today. Every time I'd start to open the door, I'd automatically want a cigarette and think I was going to get one. Fooled myself. :)

I haven't had any ill effects from the Chantix. Vivid dreams, but not nightmares, no nausea, no depression, no nothing. My cravings today have been pretty powerful. I really can't imagine what they'd be like if I wasn't taking the Chantix.

I have had major munchies today, but I've tried to mainly graze today and eat small portions. I don't know that I've succeeded in that effort as I've been a bit half assed about it. I guess I'll just exercise some more.

I think I'm going to take a break from posting tomorrow unless something extraordinary or weird happens. I think I'll wait until the weekend. Thanks for reading, and hope you all have a great weekend!

Remember ladies, Friday night is "sparkle night". Wear something sparkling or shimmering, something with sequins or metallic threads. It will make you feel sparkling!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I am a non smoker!

Today was my quit date, and I am happy to report that I have not smoked at all. I did get rid of all cigarettes and ashtrays. Not the lighters because I do have candles. Anyway, this morning was OK. My cravings were not too bad. I think the Chantix is really helping with those. I did catch myself walking outside like I was going to smoke, but then know...duh.

This afternoon, I think the Chantix was wearing off, because I was having extremely intense cravings. I dealt with them, though, and cooked some dinner. I thought I was going to put a fist through the wall or something after I ate, because my craving for that after meal cig was so big.

I haven't gone anywhere today. I figured if I got in the car (a trigger for me) I might zip into the store and buy some cigs. The weather was very bad here in South Alabama, and I certainly did not want to be driving in it.

I joined today, and it really helps to read experiences other people have had and things they are going through. I'm right there with them.

Anyway, I had very vivid dreams last night with the Chantix. Nothing scary. In fact, in one part of my dream, I dreamed I had a perfect figure. Now, I want to make that dream as much of a reality as possible. Off to clean or workout or something. Good luck to everyone who is quitting smoking! We can do it!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tomorrow I quit smoking forever!

Today is my last day to smoke. I have removed ashtrays and have no more cigarettes. I did have some vivid dreams last night with the Chantix, but nothing scary. I have been keeping active, and I'm sure that will continue because I am making some huge positive life differences.

I plan on doing some more Spring cleaning. The main item on my list tomorrow is to clean the ceiling fans and the baseboards. I am planning on attacking the dust in my house and making it disappear. I think in my effort to keep my mind occupied and hands busy over the next few weeks, I'll have one of the cleanest homes in the country.

I am sooo ready for this. It's been over 30 years of smoking, and I am over it. I will have more money in my pocket. I won't be hacking up a lung in the mornings. My clothes won't smell, and I won't have to "de-smoke" every time I go to see my Mother. I'm very tired of being a slave to the things, and my husband will be happy with my new stamina. (wink, wink)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 7 on Chantix

Wow....I'm really seeing the effects of Chantix today. I did not smoke a whole pack of cigs yesterday, and today, my desire is waaaay down. I've only smoked a half pack all day.

I am not experiencing any depression, nausea or any other bad side effects from the Chantix. I make sure I take it after eating, and I drink plenty of water after taking it, and everything is hunky dory. I had some very vivid dreams last night. The Beatles were in it, and they were having some sort of shoot out with the police. I also dreamed about a house that had some beautiful inlaid wood on the walls. For some reason, that old song "Billy, Don't Be a Hero" has been running through my head all day. Is it in a commercial that's running on TV or something?

Tomorrow is day 7 for me on Chantix, and according to their schedule, it should be my quit date, but I started taking the Chantix a day early, so I'll be quitting on Wednesday, Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent.

Thanks for the comments and good wishes, and good luck to anyone who is trying or planning to quit smoking.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

I am starting to see a difference with Chantix on day 6

Sorry I didn't post yesterday, but there was really no change in my smoking habits. I did do more Wii exercising than usual, but part of that was trying to work off some of a Chinese buffet lunch. This morning is day 6, and I am starting to feel less desire to smoke. My cigs still taste a bit stale. No weird dreams or any side effects of concern.

I am checking in with the Chantix GetQuit site, and it does offer some great tips. I enjoy checking it out every day, and have printed out my reasons for quitting and strategies for quitting smoking. I taped up my reasons for quitting list on my computer desk, so it is very visible to give me motivation. I am keeping the strategies list close by.I know this is not going to be easy for me, but I am determined to stop smoking.

I actually started taking Chantix a day early so according to Chantix, my quit date should be Tuesday, but I set it to start on Wednesday when Lent begins. Who would quit on Mardi Gras day? It's Fat Tuesday and all about living life with indulgences, duh. OK, I am not really that into Mardi Gras, but it is going on down here. I live near Mobile. BTW, Happy Joe Cain day, y'all!

Thanks for the comments on my blog. I hope I can inspire or help someone who is thinking about quitting smoking. The first step is to set a quit date and be firm and resolved about that date. 

Friday, March 4, 2011

It's day 4!

I can just feel some minor effects of the Chantix today. Today was my first day taking 2 Chantix. One in the morning and one this evening. My cigs seemed to taste a bit stale today, and this evening, I am not smoking quite as much because they are less appealing. I seem to be bloated a bit, but I'm drinking plenty of water, and did my Wii exercises today. I felt much better after doing those, that's for sure.

No weird dreams to report or change in personality or mood.

Will post again tomorrow. It's supposed to be a rainy day, so I probably won't go anywhere. I am a pretty bad car smoker, just a habit lighting up when I get in the car. I probably won't have that pleasure with my smokey treats tomorrow.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 3 on Chantix

No weird dreams to report last night. I'm pretty sure I had dreams, but I don't remember them. No change in smoking habits as of yet. Tomorrow, I start taking 2 Chantix per day, so maybe that's when I'll get the build up in my system that will make cigarettes taste bad and seem less satisfying.

This morning I only had a few smokes left, so I found some little things to do to keep me occupied. I cleaned out my pantry and spice cabinet and threw some chicken in the Crock Pot. I used a Caribbean spice blend to season it, threw a cut up onion in there, and now the house smells great!

Just ate some lunch, so I'll be doing some exercising with the Wii in a little while. I use Wii Fit Plus and EA Active 2 for exercise.

I'll check in tomorrow evening and let you know if I'm starting to feel a difference from the 2 per day of Chantix. I'm really looking forward to being a non-smoker! Think of all the money I'll save! OK, well, I'll spend it on other things besides cigs, but they'll be really cool things! :) 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Just started Chantix

Hi, and thanks for stopping by my blog. I've never had one of these before, but found a lot of good info by reading other blogs about Chantix, so I thought I'd start my own.

First things first. Stats: I am a 48 year old happily married female. I am a type 2 diabetic and have high cholesterol. I am of average weight and height, and really only need to lose about 5 pounds. I work out with my Wii every day. Wii Fit Plus will definitely help you get in shape and lose weight, BTW. I am very diligent about tracking my calories since I was recently diagnosed with high cholesterol.

Today, I took my second Chantix, so I'm not seeing much change in my smoking habits. My quit date is Ash Wednesday. Yes, I'm Catholic, and I'm quitting for Lent. Hopefully, I will be able to stay quit past Easter. I really think the Chantix will help me.

Last night, I had very vivid dreams, probably from the sleep medication I take. I have always had those, though, so it didn't really bother me. There were people shot in my dreams, scorpions, and Michael Douglas was in there somehow, too. I kind of wonder why Charlie Sheen wasn't there since he's been in the news so much lately. ;)

I am signed up with the GetQuit program online, and I'm hoping that can help me accomplish this goal of quitting my habit of over 30 years. Cigarettes are my last vice, and damnit, I can kick them! Hubby has told me he is not quitting, so I will become a tolerant non-smoker. We smoke outside anyway, and never in the house. That's it for now, but I will be posting frequently to update you on my experiences with Chantix.