In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer. Albert Camus
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
I had my first smoking dream last night.
Yay! I found a new meter! Anyway, yesterday morning (Monday), I was awakened a little before six AM by my Mom on the phone. She had fallen and needed help getting up. I threw on some clothes and rushed over there. She was OK, but she'd been on the floor since about 3:30 maybe earlier. I am happy to report that I got her up and on her feet very easily. That was my first test after getting in shape a bit from exercise, and I passed the test. It really makes me feel better knowing I can help her if she needs me in that way. She's OK, and she's just a bit sore today. The way she put it was, "I'm just a bit stove up today." That's how we talk here in the South.
Now on to what I titled this post. Last night I dreamed I smoked a cigarette. This was my first smoking dream. In my dream, I didn't even realize I had smoked until a few minutes after I had put it out. I remember apologizing to everyone for smoking, and realized it was just a reflex. In my dream, I was under stress. It had something to do with camping and not getting approval from my parents. They were totally against me going camping with a girl friend. We were going to stay in a tent in the middle of a big forest. I know the camping thing came from a joke about my Mom camping on the floor. The forest was a scary place with dangerous animals. Maybe that has something to do with my quit. The whole parent approval thing....don't we all want that?
The dream is really the only quit related thing that's happened the last few days. The Chantix is taking care of cravings. I am rarely experiencing them anymore, so that's a relief. I really didn't think this was going to be so easy, so I'm very pleased with the Chantix. If you look to the right, you'll see I posted a link to their website. That will tell you everything you need to know about it, so I hope you'll check it out if you are considering quitting. Quitting smoking is so freeing!