Friday, October 7, 2011

Getting back to cleaning mode. Helps with cravings to smoke.

I have been cleaning like crazy. I cleaned out my closet and had about a dozen kitchen trash bags of clothes to donate. I haven't been craving all that strongly, but when I smell smoke or smell someone who smells like smoke, I get a twinge. It goes away quickly.

Anyway, I've been cleaning like crazy to cut down on any cravings, the house needs to be cleaned, I need to exercise, and we are putting our house on the market. We'll be moving into my Mom's house. She deeded it over to me, so I've had a lot going on with painting and sprucing up there and getting our house ready to show. It's been crazy!

I'm hoping our house will sell really quickly, but we'll see. There's no mortgage at Mom's so that's one less thing we have to worry about. Her house is older, but it's in good shape. Our house is not even 10 years old and closer to malls and such, so we're keeping our fingers crossed.

Through everything going on, I have not smoked. I'm tickled pink to be a non smoker now. I feel free. I am happy. There is a bit of stress in my life, but I'm handling it just fine.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!