I haven't posted since mid November, but I got busy with the holidays, and then selling our house. We closed on it 2 days ago, and we are so relieved. Now, hubby and I are moving on to the next phase of our life together. We are going to travel a bit and just enjoy each other.
He's still a smoke factory, but not around me. He doesn't smoke in the car or house. Always outside. He's very considerate of me. I am really blessed. He makes the bed every day and he moved us into our new house practically on his own. He's an amazing husband!
I will be helping my daughter look for a new apartment today. That should be fun. I remember doing that with my Mom.
I don't have the urge to smoke anymore and consider myself a non smoker. My lungs are still damaged and I don't have much endurance. The doctor said I have baby lungs, but they'll get better. I slacked off on my exercise, but I'm getting back to it. I gained 10 pounds, so I want to get that gone. For Lent this year, I promised to eat better and exercise. Pretty good thing, too, because A1C sugar and cholesterol were significantly higher when tested the other day. I just had a bowl of sugar free cinnamon bun oatmeal. Yum.
I am so grateful to Chantix for helping me quit, but realize my own willpower is what saved the day. You absolutely have to set a date and have strong resolve. Can't quit without it. Good luck to all those trying to quit. You can do it!!! I smoked for 35 years, so it definitely can be done. Congratulations to those who are smoke free. You did it! You freaking did it! Stay smober!