Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Hope everybody had a Happy Labor Day! I did. I spent time with my husband and a friend. Just hanging out for the most part, but it was fun. I'm still not smoking, and I am still working out at the gym. I'm still eating too much, so my weight hasn't gone down, but I am building muscle, so that's good. I am also keeping better control of my diabetes.

Things are going well. I have everything I need and most of what I want. I would like to take a long trip with my husband but will have to wait on that as I don't want to leave my Mom for too long. She is being taken care of in assisted living and has 24 hour sitters, but she needs me to run errands for her and feels more secure with me around.

I have been reading more about starting a garden, and have hubby fairly convinced we need to start a home garden. We tried beans at the beginning of the summer, but they didn't work out. I think they were not watered enough. I've been reading a bit about container gardening and may try that during Fall and Winter.

Enjoying being a non smoker and I credit God given will power and Chantix. Hope you stay smober!

Here's what I made for our Labor Day lunch. A grilled filet, steamed asparagus and a salad. Very good.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Update on diabetes and cholesterol

Sorry I haven't updated my results like I promised to in my last post over a month ago. I am so lame! But, I am not a smoker!!!! Yay for me, and thank you Chantix!

Doctor's office did call me and let me know my numbers are down from last time, but still too high. It's not a good report, and I'm a bad girl eating things I shouldn't.

I did have a talk with hubby about our food issues. He doesn't eat what I cook sometimes, and he would eat steak every night if we could afford that. Or sandwiches. LOL I'm sorry. I just can't deal with that kind of diet. I need veggies and fruit. Weird thing is that his numbers are just fine despite eating a lot of crap sometimes. It's just crazy. Makes me crazy. OK, so I've been crazy for a while....

I'm trying to watch what I eat and exercise more. I am getting some more muscles, so that's good I guess. The gym is such a respite. Love being in the "no judgement zone." Says so right on the door and on big posters inside. I feel so great after a workout, and so does Bill, so we are now gym people. I never dreamed I'd be one, but look at me now, and I'll be 50 in less than 6 months.

I guess some of us reach a point in our lives where we absolutely have to change for our health and well being, not to mention simple peace of mind. My first move was quitting smoking, then eating right and exercise with my Wii. Diet and exercise went by the wayside for a while, but I'm trying to be better now. Exercise I'm not having a problem with, but the food, I am. I am a foodie, and love tastes and textures. I like to try new things, and it's not like I can just stop eating completely like I quit smoking completely.

Anyway, I'm admitting it, so I will make more of an effort with my food intake. Wish me luck! Good luck to everyone who is taking the journey to being a non smoker. You can do it! You have all the power within you!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Joined a gym!

A couple of months ago, I convinced hubby to join a gym, and we have been very good about going at least 3 times a week. We sort of push each other, and it's fun to have a workout buddy. I can actually run in short bursts now. Me...yes, me...former smoker galore...running! It feels totally awesome to be able to control my breathing, but I must admit my knees are hurting.

I'm still not smoking thanks to will power and Chantix, but Bill (hubby) is still smoking. I know the decision to quit is completely his own, and I try not to be a nag. I don't even have any cravings.

I haven't been checking in here as much because I've been busy with my smoke free life. I have been taking care of family and working out with hubby. Unfortunately, I haven't adjusted my diet correctly, so I haven't lost any weight. I am gaining muscles though, so that's a good thing. I'll be better. I promise. I'm saying that, but I had a late breakfast at Waffle House today. I was so bad, I dare not even admit what I ate. Oh, and yesterday, I had....never mind.

I just went to the doc yesterday to have my cholesterol and A1C blood sugar tested. My levels were really high in February, so I'm hoping this time they'll be in the normal range. I'll post again to let you know. I really need to get back to recording food and exercise on My Fitness Pal. I even have the app on my phone, but I'm losing discipline with it.

I should know better about my diet. I know how to get in shape and lose weight. I just have to have the willpower. Maybe I should change my blog name to something about diet and exercise. Nah.

Signing off now, but will check in again to let you know about my cholesterol and blood sugar. I should know tomorrow or Monday. Keeping my fingers crossed for myself and all of you who are trying to quit smoking. Get smober! Stay smober!

Friday, March 9, 2012

One year smoke free today!!! So happy!!!

That's right, I have stayed smoke free for a whole year now. I did it! I freaking did it! 

I haven't posted since mid November, but I got busy with the holidays, and then selling our house. We closed on it 2 days ago, and we are so relieved. Now, hubby and I are moving on to the next phase of our life together. We are going to travel a bit and just enjoy each other. 

He's still a smoke factory, but not around me. He doesn't smoke in the car or house. Always outside. He's very considerate of me. I am really blessed. He makes the bed every day and he moved us into our new house practically on his own. He's an amazing husband!

I will be helping my daughter look for a new apartment today. That should be fun. I remember doing that with my Mom. 

I don't have the urge to smoke anymore and consider myself a non smoker. My lungs are still damaged and I don't have much endurance. The doctor said I have baby lungs, but they'll get better. I slacked off on my exercise, but I'm getting back to it. I gained 10 pounds, so I want to get that gone. For Lent this year, I promised to eat better and exercise. Pretty good thing, too, because A1C sugar and cholesterol were significantly higher when tested the other day. I just had a bowl of sugar free cinnamon bun oatmeal. Yum.

I am so grateful to Chantix for helping me quit, but realize my own willpower is what saved the day. You absolutely have to set a date and have strong resolve. Can't quit without it. Good luck to all those trying to quit. You can do it!!! I smoked for 35 years, so it definitely can be done. Congratulations to those who are smoke free. You did it! You freaking did it! Stay smober!