Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Survived the long weekend without smoking! So happy!

I made it through the long weekend without smoking, and I'm feeling great! The only thing that's really bothering me is my right knee. I iced it with a bag of frozen corn yesterday for a while, and that helped the swelling. It's arthritic, and when I exercise too vigorously, it acts up. Still a bit sore, but it's mending. I hope everyone had a great weekend!

Hubby and I didn't do too much this weekend. We met some friends for lunch yesterday and that was fun. I actually had a bushwhacker. It was so good. It had a 151 floater, so it was a bit strong. Good thing it was on the smallish side, or I would have been crazy! I wasn't driving, so it was OK to indulge a bit.

Today, I'm going to help my friend with some flowers I planted for her. She's disabled, lives with her father, and he is in a wheelchair. The flowers are doing fine, and they are both so happy about having them, but an armadillo is digging in the beds. I'm going over today with grub killer. I hope that does the trick. I've always heard, kill their food, and the armadillos will go away to dig in another yard. Seems like kind of a mean thing to do to your neighbors, but...

While I'm doing that, hubby will be at the dentist having 2 wisdom teeth pulled. Bless his heart. I don't envy him today. I wonder what I can get him to eat (or sip) later today. I offered to go with him to the dentist, but he said "No." He'll call me if he needs a ride.

He is so sweet to me. He shop vacced the back porch and cleaned the ceiling fans this weekend. He did yardwork also. He is a wonderful husband, and I am so blessed to have him. Now I'm getting verklempt.

 Hope everyone has a nice day today and stays smober or gets that way! :)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

I'm on Twitter and Facebook now! Still not smoking!

Yep, I've said it once, and I'll say it again. Chantix definitely helped me quit smoking, and I am so grateful to have had it to help me. I also find lots of support at http://www.quitsmokingmessageboard.com and at http://forums.about.com/n/pfx/forum.aspx?nav=messages&webtag=ab-quitsmoking. The nice folks there have been super nice and supportive, and they are there at all hours of the day and night.

I am now on Twitter, and I hope you'll follow me.  http://twitter.com/JudithAnne2

I also have a new Facebook account. I need some friends there. I think I only have 3 friends right now, and 2 are relatives. Kinda sad, but I'm just starting out there. I hope you'll friend me there.

Anyway, today I vacuumed and steam cleaned the carpet in the living room. I also walked 6 miles on my Wii Walk It Out this morning. My right knee is aching, but I just can't give up on my exercise.

I have been having some pretty bad insomnia the last couple of nights, so I'm going to try and hit the hay early tonight. Hope everyone stays smober!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

First dental cleaning since quitting smoking!

On Monday, I went to the dentist for my regular 6 month cleaning and check up. It was my first appointment after quitting smoking. It was a fabulous feeling knowing that this was the last time they would be scraping off tar and nicotine stains from my teeth. My dentist is so proud of me for quitting.

I have been busy online the last few days. I signed up for Facebook, so I've been dinking around over there and trying to figure all that out. I also created a new account for Twitter. Please bear with me if I don't post for a few days. I'm usually just occupied with other things. The computer is a craving stifler for me, but I can't continuously post here.

Today, I'm going to be cleaning around the house, but first, I'm going to do about an hour of exercise on my Wii Fit Plus. OK, I'm typing here, and I need to get moving, so signing off for now, but I'll try to post again tomorrow.

Hope everyone gets or stays smober! Peace, y'all!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Hope everyone has a sensational smoke free weekend!

Here it is Friday night and I am enjoying peace and quiet at home. Yesterday, I was out with a friend of mine and had a great girl day. Today, I was with my brother and Mom. We ran errands, Mom had her hair done, and my brother bought me lunch. I've had a nice couple of days, but busy. I'd like to just stay home all day tomorrow. I'd love it if I could have a bra and makeup free day. What a goal to shoot for, huh?

I'll definitely be smoke free, and I'm going to be exercising. I did squeeze in some exercise today, so I feel good about that. I've been slacking off on it lately, so it's time to get back on that train. I am still on the smoke free train and lovin' it. Chantix really did help me quit smoking, and I am obligated to mention it in my posts. I was on it for a little over a month, but that's all I needed. So far, so good.

Since I've quit smoking, I feel so free. I'm not stopping tasks to smoke or trying to find a place to smoke or hiding my smoking. I also have gobs of free time now. It's a wonderful feeling, and I highly recommend quitting smoking! To all who have already, congratulations, and stay smober!

Peace, y'all!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Smoke free girl day today!

Today, I am going to hang out with a friend of mine. We are going to have a girl day. She's never smoked, so we're all good on that front. We are going to do lunch and go for a mani/pedi. After that, we are going to hit Wally World for a little grocery shopping. I need some more pineapple, and Wally World has been having the whole ones on sale for $2.50. I've been reading good things about cherries, so I may get some of those as well.

Anyway, now I'm running a bit late, so off I go! Will update later!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Happy Monday! I can't believe I am still smoke free!

It has been over 2 months, and I really feel like I could never go back to smoking. At this point, I can't even imagine smoking another cigarette. Wait! I take that back. I can imagine it because the nicodemon still whispers in my ear sometimes. My biggest trigger now is stress. I really don't crave so much in the morning or in the car anymore, so I'm psyched about that.

I have been feeling a little under the weather the last couple of days with some upper respiratory stuff going on and a dry hack of a cough. I don't know if I'm catching a bug or not. I just came off antibiotics a couple of weeks ago for diverticulitis, so I just can't imagine I'm getting sick. I think it is a change in the weather and my lungs healing. Of course, I'm not a doctor. I just play one in this blog and for my family sometimes.

I have absolutely got to get some housework done today. The house is ridiculously dirty to me, so I have to dust and do the floors at the very least. Sometimes, I wish I could just hose it all off in the inside. That would be so easy and fast, but, alas, I'm not living in a cinder block house with plastic furniture. :) I don't think I'll move. I really love my house, and I'll get it cleaned up today. I'll also try to squeeze in a Wii workout.

I have no big plans today other than cleaning, doing some laundry, and going to the grocery store for more fruit and popcorn. I was out of popcorn last night, and was really craving it. I thought about going to get some at 9:00 last night, but I resisted. I think I'm getting addicted to it now. I'm sure popcorn is better than cigarettes, so I'll just go with it. I also have started craving grapes. I like to take them off the stems, put them in a baggie and freeze them. Eating them frozen is like having little bites of sherbet. Delicious!

Hope everyone has a fabulous smoke free day today! Off to get things done now!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Still smoke free, and I'm so happy to be that way!

First off, I am a firm believer in the power of Chantix to help a person quit smoking. It really killed the cravings for me in those first days, and I would recommend a visit to the doctor if you are considering quitting smoking.

I have been super busy this week and haven't had any time to post. Today is a more relaxed day, so here I am! I'm going to try and have lunch with my brother today and take my Mom a to go box. We were talking about trying a restaurant he's never been to called the Sugar Kettle. It's kind of a country cooking type place, and it's delicious. Those little ladies in the kitchen really know their stuff!

As I said, I've been super busy this week, but I have got to take some time to clean up around the house. It's getting a bit out of hand. I also need to get back to my exercise routine, but I've been running from morning to night, so I just haven't had the time. I did some gardening yesterday for a disabled friend, so I did get some exercise yesterday. I guess that's good, but I want to get back to my Wii routines. I should have time today and tomorrow, so Yay! I'll also try to do some housework.

Bottom line...to summarize...I am still smoke free. I am thankful I had Chantix to quit smoking. I recommend it. I've been keeping busy, and will try to carve out more time to take care of me and my house.

Oh, and I need a pedicure! That's it. Signing off for today, and hope everyone stays happy and smoke free! Peace, y'all!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

One smoker's routine. Is it similar to yours?

I could really relate to this and had to share it. A very nice person at the about.com smoking cessation forum posted the link, and I just had to share it. I will also do a copy and paste. Here's the link. http://whyquit.com/joel/Joel_02_02_widow_in_isolation.html
Here's the story, in case the link doesn't work for you.

The Isolation of a Widowed Smoker

Life had become a boring routine. She had just been going through the motions of maintaining a normal semblance of existence. Waking up, having a cigarette. Washing up and brushing her teeth, having a cigarette. Eating breakfast, having a cigarette. Doing some light cleaning, vacuuming, dusting, and having a cigarette. Watching a little television while having a cigarette. Preparing a sandwich for lunch, having a cigarette. Taking a short nap, waking up for a cigarette. Reading the newspaper, having a cigarette. Making a list of needed groceries, having a cigarette. Getting ready to do some light shopping, having a cigarette. Driving to the local market, having a cigarette. About to enter the store, but stopping to have a cigarette. Checking out at the cash register, leaving the store and having a cigarette. Going home and starting to prepare dinner, having a cigarette. Eating dinner, having a cigarette. Clearing the table and washing the dishes, having a cigarette. Watching a little television, having a couple of cigarettes. Washing up, brushing her teeth and getting dressed for bed, having a cigarette. Getting into bed, having a cigarette. Going to sleep.

Ever since the loss of her husband many years ago, nothing in her normal daily existence seemed to give her life any meaning or any real happiness. Weeks would go by with her barely cracking a smile. Almost nothing seemed to bring her joy anymore. But this day was starting differently. After breakfast her phone rang. She ran for a cigarette. On the fourth ring she made it to the phone and picked up the receiver. It was her daughter. She lived only an hour away, but because of her career, her husband's schedule and the kid's school, soccer, piano, ballet lessons, etc., they only were able to visit occasionally. Well, to her pleasant surprise, she found out that they were coming on Saturday to spend the day.

For the first time in weeks she seemed truly happy. As soon as she hung up the phone she grabbed for a cigarette. She had to start planning and preparing to see the kids. She called her beauty shop to make an afternoon appointment. When she hung up the phone she took a cigarette. She got dressed and ready to go shopping, and right before leaving, she took a cigarette. In the car driving to the store she hurriedly smoked two cigarettes for she knew she could not smoke while in the store. She hurriedly went up and down the aisles, with a certain bounce in her step for she was still so excited about the visit. When she left the store she hurried to her car and lit a cigarette. She went home, put away the groceries, prepared and ate a quick bite, smoked a cigarette and hurriedly left the house to be on time for her beauty shop appointment. While she was there she smoked and conversed with the other patrons, glowing as she told of her exciting weekend news.

When she got home, she smoked a cigarette, and starting preparing a turkey for the big Saturday night meal. She smoked and ate, smoked and cooked and smoked and prepared for bed. One last cigarette and she slowly dozed off, happy and excited about the joy of the upcoming day.

When she woke up she excitedly grabbed for her first cigarette. She got up and cleaned and brushed her teeth, and took another cigarette. She ate breakfast and smoked again. She started preparing her feast and smoked numerous cigarettes. Even though she was not conscious of the fact, she was smoking more than normal. Through years of conditioning she had learned that since she couldn't smoke when around the grandchildren she had better have plenty of nicotine in her system by the time they arrived. A little last minute cleaning, and cooking and smoking. She was ready.

The door bell rings. She hurries to the door and opens it up. There is her family. Everyone is excited. She goes to kiss the youngest, who says "Oh grandma, you smell like an ashtray!" She was used to these comments, she loved him anyway. After 15 minutes of talking with all the kids and her daughter and son-in-law, she and her daughter go to the kitchen to work on the dinner. After a couple of hours she starts to feel the twinge for a cigarette. But she knows she can't smoke. The kids are running through the house vigorously. As the hours pass, her patience becomes strained. Too much noise she thinks to herself, boy, does she wish she could smoke a cigarette. She starts to complain of a minor headache. They decide they better eat early, grandma is seeming a little tired and a little hassled. They sit down to eat. The food is good and everyone is enjoying.

But grandma seems to be feeling worse and worse. Four hours have passed and still no cigarette. After dinner they all decide grandma needs some rest and mutually everyone agrees they will leave early. She kisses them all good-bye and rushes them out. As the door closes she hurries to her pack and smokes three cigarettes in a row. She finally starts to feel better. She now sits down in a quiet empty room thinking how lonely she feels and how sad that they had to leave so soon. But at least she has her cigarettes. But it had been a long day. She washes up, brushes her teeth, gets dressed for bed, and has one last cigarette.

Tomorrow would be another routine day.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

I am at 2 months smoke free now. Feeling great!

So, here I am 2 months smoke free. I feel great, and I am so happy I quit. I can breathe so much better. I don't think I could have done it without the Chantix. I took it for just over a month and it helped so much with the cravings.

I haven't been exercising like I should lately, but I'll get back into it. I did clean the garage window like I said I was. Yuck...what a messy job. I cleaned it with a bucket of water and pine sol. Did the trick, and it looks so much better without the dead bugs stuck in spider webs. You know how corners and windows get in garages...eww.

I'm actually feeling tired tonight, so I may hit the hay earlier than usual. Last night, I went to bed late and woke up early this morning, so I'm getting tired.

Happy Cinco de Mayo! My daughter and I drove by some Mexican restaurants, and they were all packed this evening. Nothing really exciting to report down here. Just chillin' and staying smoke free. Hope everyone is doing the same!

Peace, y'all!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Made it through the weekend without smoking!

Here it is Tuesday morning, and I am proud to report I made it through the weekend without smoking. I am almost at the 2 month mark, and I am so pleased. I didn't exercise very much yesterday or Sunday, so I am ready to get back on that train. I guess it's OK to rest for a couple of days, and just watch movies or whatever.

Hubby cleaned and straightened in the garage, but did not clean the window in there. I told him I would do that today, and it is pretty gunked up with bugs and stuff. We saw a lovebug Sunday, and I am not looking forward to lovebug season at all. They get everywhere it seems. We just got over heavy pollen season, termite swarming is abating somewhat, and now we have the lovebugs coming. We'll get the extreme heat and drought conditions next, but I am not complaining, really. Happy as hell to be here!
My first attempt at embedding a picture in a post. Here's a lovebug.

OK, so cleaning that window is my big project today. I also need to clean the floors. My husband did yardwork, and of course, we all tracked stuff into the house. I think I may also give the dog a bath, and I have some dusting to do. I have a mirrored vanity tray on my dresser that has quite a bit of dust on it. The horizontal glass surfaces around the house are a great indicator of how dusty things are, so I try to keep them clean and dust free.

So, I have some fairly big projects today, and then some smaller day to day maintenance things to do. I also need to do some laundry, but not too much. Yay! I love having busy work to do as it keeps my mind off smoking. I still say the Chantix was a miracle for me and helped with cravings tremendously. I feel compelled to mention it in every post because it is in the title of my blog.

Staying happy and smober here in South Alabama. Yes, my Mom is being nice to me again. What a roller coaster that is! Oh well, I love her to pieces and will try to help her become happier with her life.
Peace, y'all!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Happy May 1st! Still smoke free!

I am still smoke free. I can't believe it has been so easy, actually. I smoked for about 35 years, and essentially quit cold turkey. Yes, I took Chantix which helps with the cravings and withdrawal, but when my quit day came, I simply did not smoke and have been smoke free for almost 2 months now. It really is astounding to me that even with hubby still smoking, I am able to stay quit.

I mentioned in an earlier post that I grew up with smoke smell. My Dad smoked and the smell of smoke when I hugged him was just natural somehow. I feel that old familiarity when I hug my husband now. Somehow, it is comforting to me. It doesn't make me want to smoke or make me think he stinks or anything.

Speaking of smoke smell...smoke pervades everything if you smoke inside your house. Cleaning the tar off everything is an unenviable job. Been there, done that. I will not do that ever again. Once you quit smoking, you'll want to clean everything and get a fresh smell throughout your house. It's like that old saying, "Out with the old. In with the new."

Quitting smoking really is reinventing yourself and becoming a different person. A better person physically, and ideally, a calmer more tolerant person. Sure, in the initial stages of your quit, you'll be irritable, but that is normal. Remember, you are going through withdrawal from a very powerful drug, so don't be hard on yourself. Don't be afraid to join a quit smoking forum for friendship and support from nice people who are going through similar experiences. I provided links to a couple which can be found on the right of this page. Family sometimes doesn't understand all the changes you are going through, and can't be the best support. We love them anyway.

I am about to do some housework while hubby does some yard work. I was going to change the sheets on my bed, but I can't find one of the matching pillow cases anywhere. I have 4 pillows on my bed, and in my weird mind, I must have 4 pillowcases that match. I can make a quick run to Target to pick up another pack of pillowcases. No, they are not white. Got gobs of those, but I want this other color today. It's like a lost sock or something and driving me crazy. I've looked everywhere, and simply can't find it.

So, there's my day. Cleaning and shopping for pillowcases. Whoop dee doo! While I'm out and about, I'll take a paper to my Mom and see if she really is still mad at me for nothing. It's weird. She hurt my feelings, knows she did it, and she's mad at me. She's not speaking to me, and I didn't do anything wrong. I don't understand her all the time, but I always love her. I have been calling her every day as usual, but she won't answer or return my calls. Oh well, as much stress as she causes me, I'm not smoking. I think I'm being pretty damn amazing actually!

Ok, y'all, stay smober. You can do it! You are all amazing!