Thursday, October 31, 2013

Still not smoking!

I am a non smoker! I am sooo happy to be one, and to be able to say it! I haven't checked in on my blog since my last post back in March! Basically, it's because I don't have much more to say about how Chantix worked for me, and I will be forever grateful I requested it from my doctor.

I do have to admit that a few weeks ago, I was tempted. You see, hubby still smokes and sitting beside him at an outdoor bar (an extremely rare activity for us) was very tempting. He didn't let me smoke any of his cigarette though and the craving passed very quickly. I can't believe I haven't smoked in over 2 1/2 years. That is intoxicating to me.

My life keeps chugging along and getting better and better with a fabulous man at my side. There have been stressful moments with family matters, but I resolve the issues and move on. What else can a person do, really?

At this time in my life, I can't see myself going back to smoking. I've done without it so long, I know I don't need it. I try to eat right and exercise to control my diabetes. Many times I do not succeed, but I feel resolved today, and I know I can get back with it. Today has been a very good day so far as my blood sugar goes, and I'm not hungry, so Yay!

I always say, I'll update again soon, but I really don't have much to say. I live a very normal settled life for the most part. My niece is getting married next month, so we are looking forward to that. I won't be smoking at the reception, so I'm pleased about that.

I hope everyone had a nice Halloween and has a wonderful Thanksgiving and Christmas. Such a busy and fun time. Enjoy every moment on this beautiful earth!