Friday, June 17, 2011

Diagnosed with diverticulitis and given antibiotics.

I'm just not so sure about this diagnosis I received from the gastro doc. I've had diverticulitis before, and it always hurts on the left side. The pain I have now is upper middle to right and lower middle. I also have horribly incredible bloating. I haven't had that before with my previous diverticulitis, so I'm just not so sure it is what I have now. I am not having any problems in the bathroom either.

I am hoping that whatever is wrong will be cured with the antibiotics. I'm on a 6 day course of cipro. If I'm not feeling better by the end of the weekend, I'm calling my GP on Monday. This is so frustrating. I can't fit into a lot of my pants, but I am planning on mainly staying in my pajamas this weekend. I don't have to go anywhere anyway.

Still not smoking even with all this frustration, so I'm proud of myself for that. I am trying to keep my sense of humor especially around my Mom. I don't want her to worry about me. She has aches and pains herself, so I don't want her to have stress. She is worried about me, I know, because she's being a real Mama Bear.  I am rambling now, so I'll sign off for now. I just wanted to give an update.

To all who are contemplating quitting smoking, see your doctor and ask about Chantix. For those who have already quit, congratulations, and stay smober!

Peace, y'all!