If you've been reading my blog, you've seen that I have been having stomach problems. The doc told me to drop one of my diabetes meds, so I did that. I was still bloating pretty bad, so last night I did some online research. I researched low carb diets, eating grapes, and the glycemic index of foods.
I have been eating lots of popcorn and frozen grapes lately. Those small bites satisfy cravings to smoke I guess, but my research leads me to believe those foods are causing problems for me. I have decided to eliminate those foods and cut back on carbs. I have done the Atkins diet before, but I am not going to go to that extreme. Maybe eventually, I can drop my other diabetes med and my cholesterol med. My new goal to shoot for anyway.
I had a ham and cheese one egg omelet for breakfast this morning instead of my usual oatmeal or cereal, and I didn't bloat or feel bad. In fact, I am feeling great today! Later, I had a peach because my blood sugar was a bit low. For lunch, I had a spinach salad with bacon, boiled egg, and strawberries on it. Delicious and filling. Still feeling good. Could it really be as simple as cutting carbs? Maybe. I am experimenting and will keep you updated.
Wow! I am making some major life changes this year. I only drink alcohol once in a blue moon, I quit smoking, I'm changing my diet, and I'm still not smoking thanks to Chantix and sheer will power. These are huge changes, but I am discovering that I am pretty strong willed.
Staying smober, feeling good, and being happy! I wish all that for everyone.
Thanks y'all!