Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Getting cholesterol and A1C checked on Thursday!

I head to the doctor's office on Thursday to have my cholesterol checked. He's also going to check my A1C. That's a blood sugar test for diabetics. I am a type 2 diabetic. I'm actually very curious to see if the med he put me on for high cholesterol has been working. I was not being very good for a little while with my eating, and I know better. I'm sort of kicking myself now for eating "bad for me" food. I've been being more careful about my food and I've been exercising more though lately, so maybe that will help. My knee still acts up and my hip sometimes, but I just have to deal with that.

I haven't been up to too much. I've been dinking around on Facebook getting to know how it all works. I am over 90 days smoke free now and feeling great. I haven't experienced any 3 month icky three issues, so that's good. I can't believe I've made it three whole months without smoking! That's pretty damn amazing to me, since I smoked for so many years.

I have been making smoothies a lot, and I bought some ice pop makers at Dollar General, so I've been making smoothie pops. They are so delicious. They are so easy to whip up in the blender, too. My favorite so far is vanilla Greek yogurt with strawberries, banana and blueberries. It's pretty standard, but I made it, so it tastes better or something. At least I know what's in it and that it's good for me. Off to get one now.

I'll definitely post what the doc says and any tips he may give me for healthy living. If you are thinking about quitting smoking, go ahead and quit. If you already have quit smoking, stay smober!