Monday, June 27, 2011

I am a quitter! I am a non smoker!

I have not had a great day today, so I'm trying to be a bit positive in my title and my post. I have been under a bit of stress worrying about my Mom and daughter, but I have not smoked. I now feel comfortable saying that I'm a quitter. :)

This evening is uneventful. Dinking around on the computer and have the TV on Hoarders. I always feel better about myself and my home after watching how some people on that show live.

I almost didn't post today because nothing is really going on, but I logged into the GetQuit page at Phizer and it mentioned I am almost 4 months quit. That is a real accomplishment, and I feel really good about that. I guess I needed to pump myself up a bit to feel better overall. GetQuit is online and phone support you have access to when you have a prescription for Chantix.

I still have my reasons for quitting posted up on my computer desk. I see them every day. It helps me stay motivated. I hope people reading this who are thinking about or having trouble quitting will ask their doctor for help. I hope the quitters reading this stay smober!

Peace, y'all!