Thursday, August 18, 2011

This weekend will be a long one!

My Mom is having shoulder surgery on Monday, so I'm just sure this weekend is going to be a long one. I know I'll be worrying about her before that surgery. I won't smoke, though. I promise. I'll stay busy as hell cleaning or something.

I went to the mall with my daughter yesterday. What fun! It's an old fashioned indoor mall in Mobile called the Bel Air Mall. I hardly ever go across the Mobile Bay but this was a spur of the moment nothing better to do trip. It was a lot of fun spending time with my daughter. We looked at ovens and dishwashers at Sears, went to Spencer's Gifts to look at all the naughty gifts and T-shirts, and went to the arcade. I watched her do Dance Dance Revolution. The last song was so fast even SHE couldn't keep up with it. I didn't even try it. I didn't want to leave the mall with a bloody nose from falling flat on my face! :)

Looking forward to today and staying smoke free. It's been five months, and I'm still going strong. I'm so happy that I'm over the worst of the quit. I rarely have cravings, and when I do, they are very weak and short lived. I will always be grateful for Chantix because it helped me in my quit so spectacularly. It was a wonder drug for me, so if you are considering quitting, ask your doctor if you can use it to help quit smoking.

Staying smober and breathing deeply! Hope everyone who's quit does the same! Peace y'all!