Monday, May 16, 2011

Happy Monday! I can't believe I am still smoke free!

It has been over 2 months, and I really feel like I could never go back to smoking. At this point, I can't even imagine smoking another cigarette. Wait! I take that back. I can imagine it because the nicodemon still whispers in my ear sometimes. My biggest trigger now is stress. I really don't crave so much in the morning or in the car anymore, so I'm psyched about that.

I have been feeling a little under the weather the last couple of days with some upper respiratory stuff going on and a dry hack of a cough. I don't know if I'm catching a bug or not. I just came off antibiotics a couple of weeks ago for diverticulitis, so I just can't imagine I'm getting sick. I think it is a change in the weather and my lungs healing. Of course, I'm not a doctor. I just play one in this blog and for my family sometimes.

I have absolutely got to get some housework done today. The house is ridiculously dirty to me, so I have to dust and do the floors at the very least. Sometimes, I wish I could just hose it all off in the inside. That would be so easy and fast, but, alas, I'm not living in a cinder block house with plastic furniture. :) I don't think I'll move. I really love my house, and I'll get it cleaned up today. I'll also try to squeeze in a Wii workout.

I have no big plans today other than cleaning, doing some laundry, and going to the grocery store for more fruit and popcorn. I was out of popcorn last night, and was really craving it. I thought about going to get some at 9:00 last night, but I resisted. I think I'm getting addicted to it now. I'm sure popcorn is better than cigarettes, so I'll just go with it. I also have started craving grapes. I like to take them off the stems, put them in a baggie and freeze them. Eating them frozen is like having little bites of sherbet. Delicious!

Hope everyone has a fabulous smoke free day today! Off to get things done now!