Thursday, May 26, 2011

I'm on Twitter and Facebook now! Still not smoking!

Yep, I've said it once, and I'll say it again. Chantix definitely helped me quit smoking, and I am so grateful to have had it to help me. I also find lots of support at and at The nice folks there have been super nice and supportive, and they are there at all hours of the day and night.

I am now on Twitter, and I hope you'll follow me.

I also have a new Facebook account. I need some friends there. I think I only have 3 friends right now, and 2 are relatives. Kinda sad, but I'm just starting out there. I hope you'll friend me there.

Anyway, today I vacuumed and steam cleaned the carpet in the living room. I also walked 6 miles on my Wii Walk It Out this morning. My right knee is aching, but I just can't give up on my exercise.

I have been having some pretty bad insomnia the last couple of nights, so I'm going to try and hit the hay early tonight. Hope everyone stays smober!