Sunday, March 27, 2011

Blog Day 19! Nicotine free using Chantix. Still not smoking!

Today is my 19th day of being smoke free. I am feeling better than I have in years. It really is nice to be smoke free. I hated having that panicked feeling looking for a place to light up. It is an addiction, and I would look for my next fix. I'm glad I'm not an addict anymore, and I won't ever be one again. I feel too good, frankly.

I still have cravings, but they are usually very weak and easily powered through. The Chantix is helping with those, I imagine. I especially like how it is nicotine free. I tried patches and gum, but I made a half hearted effort with those and they didn't work for me. I was resolved on my quit date and my quit. I was done, over it, and wanting to be healthier. So far so good.

I put a favorite link up to the caveman diet. I don't follow that diet, but found it interesting reading. I thought you might, too. The other link I included about calories is to a site called myfitnesspal. You can record everything you eat (they have an extensive database), and you'll know exactly how many calories you are eating. When I didn't see the scale moving, I wanted to know why, so I found that site. I have my profile there set to private, but you can go public and join in the community there. You will probably be surprised by the calories you consume in a day. I know I was...I was actually appalled! :)

Anyway, everything is all good with the Chantix. No side effects or weird moods or thoughts. Doing great with my quit, and I hope everyone else is, too.