Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I am a non smoker!

Today was my quit date, and I am happy to report that I have not smoked at all. I did get rid of all cigarettes and ashtrays. Not the lighters because I do have candles. Anyway, this morning was OK. My cravings were not too bad. I think the Chantix is really helping with those. I did catch myself walking outside like I was going to smoke, but then know...duh.

This afternoon, I think the Chantix was wearing off, because I was having extremely intense cravings. I dealt with them, though, and cooked some dinner. I thought I was going to put a fist through the wall or something after I ate, because my craving for that after meal cig was so big.

I haven't gone anywhere today. I figured if I got in the car (a trigger for me) I might zip into the store and buy some cigs. The weather was very bad here in South Alabama, and I certainly did not want to be driving in it.

I joined today, and it really helps to read experiences other people have had and things they are going through. I'm right there with them.

Anyway, I had very vivid dreams last night with the Chantix. Nothing scary. In fact, in one part of my dream, I dreamed I had a perfect figure. Now, I want to make that dream as much of a reality as possible. Off to clean or workout or something. Good luck to everyone who is quitting smoking! We can do it!