Monday, March 21, 2011

Unlucky 13? NOT! Still not smoking. Chantix is working.

I had a fairly uneventful weekend, and made it through without smoking. I've been munching on some crockpot corned beef and cabbage I made for St. Patrick's Day. My cig cravings have all but disappeared. When I do have one, it is mild, and I just take some deep breaths to relieve it. The only thing that really makes me want a cigarette now is being around my Mom. She can stress me out sometimes. She's 80 years old and is very set in her ways. She can be negative and critical...imagine that! I hope I am not like that when I am her age.

I am so glad I'm using Chantix, because I can't imagine how the cravings would be without it. I essentially quit cold turkey using it to change the nicotine receptors in my brain. I tried the patch and the gum before, but I don't think I was firmly resolved to quit. I know they work for some people, and that's wonderful. For me, I was still getting nicotine with them, so I didn't feel as bad when I would slip up and have a cigarette...still nicotine, right?

I've been having very vivid dreams, but nothing scary. I am still exercising with my Wii. In fact, I bought that game, Walk It Out. It's just walking in place, but it's also a game. I can burn lots of calories fast with it, and it's fun! The only problem is after doing it for a while, my knee starts hurting. I'm getting old. :(

Hope everyone has a fabulous non smoking week, but if you're still smoking, I hope my blog can help you make the firm decision to quit.

Chantix blog Chantix review Quit smoking non smoker