Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 3 on Chantix

No weird dreams to report last night. I'm pretty sure I had dreams, but I don't remember them. No change in smoking habits as of yet. Tomorrow, I start taking 2 Chantix per day, so maybe that's when I'll get the build up in my system that will make cigarettes taste bad and seem less satisfying.

This morning I only had a few smokes left, so I found some little things to do to keep me occupied. I cleaned out my pantry and spice cabinet and threw some chicken in the Crock Pot. I used a Caribbean spice blend to season it, threw a cut up onion in there, and now the house smells great!

Just ate some lunch, so I'll be doing some exercising with the Wii in a little while. I use Wii Fit Plus and EA Active 2 for exercise.

I'll check in tomorrow evening and let you know if I'm starting to feel a difference from the 2 per day of Chantix. I'm really looking forward to being a non-smoker! Think of all the money I'll save! OK, well, I'll spend it on other things besides cigs, but they'll be really cool things! :)