Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 2 of being a non smoker using Chantix

I think today has been more difficult than yesterday. That's weird, right? Oh well, I tried to stay busy, and I did venture out in the car today. Every time I'd start to open the door, I'd automatically want a cigarette and think I was going to get one. Fooled myself. :)

I haven't had any ill effects from the Chantix. Vivid dreams, but not nightmares, no nausea, no depression, no nothing. My cravings today have been pretty powerful. I really can't imagine what they'd be like if I wasn't taking the Chantix.

I have had major munchies today, but I've tried to mainly graze today and eat small portions. I don't know that I've succeeded in that effort as I've been a bit half assed about it. I guess I'll just exercise some more.

I think I'm going to take a break from posting tomorrow unless something extraordinary or weird happens. I think I'll wait until the weekend. Thanks for reading, and hope you all have a great weekend!

Remember ladies, Friday night is "sparkle night". Wear something sparkling or shimmering, something with sequins or metallic threads. It will make you feel sparkling!