Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 6 and still not smoking!

Today is day six of my quit, and I'm still holding fast. I am having no ill effects from the Chantix, and my cravings are much much less intense and frequent today. It's really weird today, though, because I feel like I'm on speed or something. I feel like I have had half a dozen cups of coffee. My blood sugar is normal and so is my heart rate, so I don't know what's up with that. I'm just rolling with it at this point.

Anyway, I bought some new exercise programs for my Wii. I really needed something new to mix things up a bit and make it more interesting. Also, as I have been working out, I need new challenges. It's all good, and I'm so excited to be starting a new improved lifestyle. I'm sure I'll be healthier and happier with myself.

Chantix is working for me, so if you want to quit and have a quit date in mind, see your doctor and at least ask about this product. You may not be able to take it, but your doctor might have some other alternatives to suggest. It's definitely worth checking into, but you have to make your mind up to quit, and you have to be absolutely firm about it. It's all up to you, and I'm just blogging my own personal experience in the hopes it can help you make a decision to creating a new and improved you.