Thursday, March 24, 2011

Made it 2 weeks not smoking! Instead of smoking, I could have...

Whew! I made it 2 weeks, and actually today is day 16 of not smoking. I am very proud of myself for having done this, because I know it's not healthy and it made me give up some much time. I was such a slave to the cigarettes, I guess I didn't realize how big a time stealer they are.

Instead of smoking, I could have gotten more work done.

Instead of smoking, I could have unloaded the dishwasher.
Instead of smoking, I could have made the bed.
Instead of smoking, I could have watered the plants.
Instead of smoking, I could have taken care of laundry.
Instead of smoking, I could have swiffered the floors.
Instead of smoking, I could have vacuumed.
Instead of smoking, I could have swept the front porch.
Most importantly, instead of smoking, I could have been kissing my husband.

Maybe now, I can get more things done.
Maybe now, I can laugh without coughing.
Maybe now, I can keep the house cleaner.
Maybe now, I can spend more time with my Mom.
Maybe now, time with my Mom will be less stressful, because I won't have to de-smoke.
Maybe now, I won't have to wash my jackets every time I wear them to get the smoke smell out.
Maybe now, I will have more money to save or spend on beautiful things like fresh flowers.
Maybe now, I won't get out of breath with small exertions.
Maybe now, I won't be as shaky when trying to do delicate tasks.

Maybe now, I will be fit and fabulous at 50!
I want to be a Babe for myself and my husband.
I want to go places and tour places, and not have to worry about finding a place to smoke.
I hated that panicked feeling of trying to find a place to smoke.
I want to walk through the Atlanta airport, and not have to search out one of those absolutely awful gross smoking rooms.

Just some random thoughts that have passed through my mind, and there are more, but right now, that's enough on my plate and yours. Don't misunderstand, I have been cleaning the house. I don't live in a pigsty. I did all those things, but I did them "around" smoking, or between smoking. I've already seen a difference in the shaking. I could polish my fingernails, specifically my right hand without my left hand shaking. That was an amazing thing for me. It's the little things that make our lives better, and by not smoking, I am starting to realize how precious those little things are.

Count those little things up if you've quit smoking or plan on quitting. You will probably be amazed and delighted!

Chantix blog, Chantix review, Quit smoking non smoker