Tuesday, April 26, 2011

50 days quit! No more smoking!

I can't believe I have quit smoking for 50 days. The Chantix really helped with the cravings at the start of my quit. I think it was a miracle for me. Now if I could find a miracle drug to cure my munchies, I'd be all set. Thank goodness I've been exercising. I can't imagine how much weight I would have gained if I hadn't.

I put up a funny Maxine cartoon I thought you might enjoy. She always cracks me up. I also put in some new links for you to check out. It's all stuff I enjoy and thought you might also. Of course, I also have links pertaining to quitting smoking. I am a member of 2 great forums, and they have been invaluable to me during my quit. They are a wonderful support system, and yes, at one time I had to post an SOS because I was having a bad craving.

Cravings are few and far between for me, but I do seem to be snacking more. I think tomorrow, I'll get rid of the less healthy stuff and buy some more healthy things. If it's not available, I can't eat it, right? That's the same philosophy I had at the start of my quit. I did not have any cigarettes at home or in the car or anywhere at all. Not here? Can't smoke 'em.

I've been sleeping well, but I've been having hot flashes. I am still taking a sleep med at night to help me get to sleep, but the whole quit insomnia and menopausal insomnia is just too big a double whammy to go without some sort of help. Mom and daughter still driving me a bit crazy, but I still love them. I guess I have to...blah. LOL

Hope everyone had a nice Easter and stayed smoke free!