Friday, April 1, 2011

Quick update today on my Chantix blog

Took Mom to the accountant with tax papers yesterday. It was amazingly stress free. I did want a ciggie really bad when I got home, but I took the dog for a long walk instead. That did the trick. Still have insomnia really bad, but my waking hours are not affected. I can still function. I found a counter. Check it out!

I have been quit for 3 Weeks, 2 Days, 12 hours and 5 minutes (23 days). I have saved $205.65 by not smoking 822 cigarettes. I have saved 2 Days, 20 hours and 30 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 3/8/2011 11:00 PM

Today is actually the start of day 24, so it hasn't counted it yet. It's a bit confusing, but it's neat to see those numbers.
Gotta take Mom to the hair salon today. Hopefully, it will be another pleasant day with her. Keep your fingers crossed for me, and I hope everyone has a stress free day today.